Documentation Home >> Concepts >> SharedLockable Concept

In order to meet the requirements of the SharedLockable concept, a type must meet the TimedLockable requirements. In addition, it must also support lock_shared(), unlock_shared(), try_lock_shared(), try_lock_shared_for() and try_lock_shared_until() member functions with the following signatures and semantics:

struct shared-lockable-type
    // required by the TimedLockable concept
    void lock();
    void unlock();
    bool try_lock();

    template<typename Rep,typename Period>
    bool try_lock_for(
        std::chrono::duration<Rep,Period> const&

    template<typename Clock,typename Duration>
    bool try_lock_until(
        std::chrono::time_point<Clock,Duration> const&

    // additional functions required by the SharedLockable concept
    void lock_shared();
    void unlock_shared();
    bool try_lock_shared();

    template<typename Rep,typename Period>
    bool try_lock_shared_for(
        std::chrono::duration<Rep,Period> const&

    template<typename Clock_shared,typename Duration>
    bool try_lock_shared_until(
        std::chrono::time_point<Clock_shared,Duration> const&

lock_shared() Requirements

For an instance m of a SharedLockable type, the expression m.lock_shared() shall block until a shared-ownership lock can be acquired for the current thread.

try_lock_shared() Requirements

For an instance m of a SharedLockable type, the expression m.try_lock_shared() shall attempt to acquire a shared-ownership lock for the current thread without blocking. The function shall return true if the lock was acquired, false otherwise.

unlock_shared() Requirements

For an instance m of a SharedLockable type, the expression m.unlock_shared() shall release a shared-ownership lock held by the current thread, previously acquired by a call to m.lock_shared(), m.try_lock_shared(), m.try_lock_shared_for() or m.try_lock_shared_until().

try_lock_shared_for() Requirements

For an instance m of a SharedLockable type and a value relative_time of an instantiation of the std::chrono::duration class template, the expression m.try_lock_shared_for(relative_time) shall attempt to acquire a shared-ownership lock for the current thread of execution within the specified time period. The function shall return true if the lock was acquired, false otherwise. The elapsed time for the duration shall be measured with a steady clock where possible.

try_lock_shared_until() Requirements

For an instance m of a SharedLockable type and a value absolute_time of an instantiation of the std::chrono::time_point class template, the expression m.try_lock_shared_until(absolute_time) shall attempt to acquire a shared-ownership lock for the current thread of execution before the specified time. The function shall return true if the lock was acquired, false otherwise.

See Also